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Finding Inspiration Around Every Corner
I love to take pictures. I often say that in another life I would like to be a photographer. Here you will see pictures from favorite restaurants, favorite stores, artwork that moves me, animals, people, flowers and trees, clothing and textiles; basically anything that strikes my fancy, motivates me, and ignites my creativity. Below are some images from San Miguel. I hope some of them inspire and motivate you to explore your own creative inclinations.

As long as I'm inside, cozy and warm, sheltered from the wind, I like listening to it blow through the trees. What I especially like here in SMA, is the day after a windy evening when bougainvillea petals line the gutters. It's such a pretty sight.

First Puppy
This little boy with his little puppy was so cute, I instinctively began taking pictures. When his grandmother turned around and started saying something to me in Spanish, I thought she understood how cute this must look. But then she continued speaking in a more agitated manner. She was clearly unhappy and I was under the impression that she expected me to delete the pictures!

Watchful Eye
Normally I don't care for works of art that feature eyeballs, but this particular eye looks so friendly. Maybe it's because it is within an open triangle and I can see through to the sky. And because it hangs high above in the tree, I feel as if it is watching over all who enter the area. I find that reassuring.

Fancy Skeleton
A colorful shop display.

Lost in Thought
I saw this little girl running around the grounds of the restaurant where I was enjoying beer and appetizers while listening to a live band performing Cuban music. She was having a good time playing with some of the other kids in this very informal atmosphere. I happened to notice her again, sitting up behind the band, looking rather sad.

Cactus Wall
Since I've moved here, I've fallen in love with these tall, slender organos cactuses. On the street around the corner from me, they form a wall of sorts along a stretch of the sidewalk. They are perfectly placed and you can barely see through them.

Mojigangas are giant, papier-mache figures worn in parades, dances, and other celebrations. I've seen 4 weddings in SMA, and each one featured a mojiganga bride and groom dancing amidst the wedding guests and crowds who were gathered to watch the celebration in front of the Parroquia. This mojiganga was part of a promotional television shoot that was being filmed in the Jardin one morning.

This little guy was with a larger group of people, all of them dressed in traditional costumes. They were also being featured in the promotional shoot.

Potted Cactus
The simplicity of the three tall cactuses in plain clay pots against a similarly-colored wall, each surrounded by the frilly, showy, bougainvillea, is both elegant and fun. I like the shadows, too, and this has become one of my favorite photos.

Restaurant Mural
I took this photo during my last visit to SMA and, unfortunately, I don't remember where this restaurant is located, or the name of it. It may not be there anymore. One of my favorite pastimes is to wander around taking photos of whatever appeals to me. I never had a plan for what I was going to do with them afterwards. I didn't even pay attention to street names as I wandered. It didn't matter because I was by myself and the days and evenings were my own, and I never worried about getting lost.

Inside Tia Lucas restaurant. There are so many pretty things on display. I've only eaten here once, and have not been back yet, due to the pandemic.

Wall Sculpture
This piece of wall art is hanging at the Instituto Allende. It suggests so much movement. I feel as if it is dancing!

This is an installation in Parque Juarez. I was standing nearby one morning, talking with a friend, and we caught sight of the jogger as he stopped in front of the cross and spread his arms wide, mimicing the V shape, stretching his arms to the sky. I fumbled with my camera, but managed to capture this image as he was bringing his arms back down. I can only guess that he was offering a silent prayer of gratitude.

Waiting for Mom
This little boy was keeping himself entertained with his plastic toy bubble gun while his mom was in visiting the optician. I watched him blowing bubbles from across the street and I finally caught his eye.

"Loco" Dance
I was on my way to visit some friends early one evening and stumbled across Colonia San Antonio's "Loco Dance" celebration. At random intervals, or so it seemed to me, different people would run into the center of the plaza and start hopping around and flinging their arms wildly above their heads.
The annual Dia de los Locos parade is an event that attracts thousands each summer. Participants respresenting different colonias dance through the streets in crazy costumes. Some groups have themes. Because many parade-goers also dress up, and it gets so crowded, it can be hard to tell the participants from the viewers. Due to the pandemic, it's highly unlikely that the parade will take place this year.
The annual Dia de los Locos parade is an event that attracts thousands each summer. Participants respresenting different colonias dance through the streets in crazy costumes. Some groups have themes. Because many parade-goers also dress up, and it gets so crowded, it can be hard to tell the participants from the viewers. Due to the pandemic, it's highly unlikely that the parade will take place this year.
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